August 18, 2011

First Full P-Day! August 18, 2011

Hola Familia!
Thanks Mom, Dad, and Spence for the letters!  It's just about the best part of the day when we get letters, so keep 'em coming!
The MTC is going great!  Just the past few days, even, have been so busy!  I feel like I've been here so much longer than a week, but I love it.  We kept teaching Diego, our "investigator," and it was all in spanish.  We taught him 4 lessons, and he had a lot of really really good questions, like how to recieve and answer to prayer.  We helped him recognize what it feels like and all that.  We spent the first 15 minutes of yesterday's lesson on that, trying to help him understand with our limited spanish, and he totally got it and realized he wanted to be baptized!  It was such a cool feeling.  I can't wait to actually have a real investigator find the joy that the gospel will bring to their lives.
Apparently my companion Elder Gehring's dad knew you, or at least of you, dad!  Rob Gehring from Mesa, AZ?  He's a few years younger than you, I think, but he at least recognized the name Moffat and asked if my dad was from mesa!  let me know.  Also, Elder Gehring has a brother named HAYDEN!  He's going to be a freshman this year.  speaking of which, congrats on JV, Hayden!  and moving the Sunday game schedules for Spence and Luke!  Looks like things are working out over in VH.
Most of my district is going to one of the Sanitago Missions, and 3 are going to Guatemala.  However, the rest of our zone is all over, mostly stateside, spanish speaking.  a few are going to LA Spanish-speaking!  If someone could send me (via could give me some of Will's letters, I think they would like that.  And I'm so glad his homecoming went so well!  too bad about the cockroaches, though.... I can't wait....
Mom, I really appreciate the spiritual quote you went me.  Keep sending those!  I love reading them.  and for the ward missionary plaque, put Omni 1:26.  I ramdomly flipped open to it a little bit ago, and I think it's my new favorite scripture.
Spanish is coming pretty well.  I mean, on average, our district is speaking as well as some of the 6-8 week veterans here!  We can all pray in spanish, and I try and say all my personal prayers in spanish.  I can pretty much say anything I want to say in my prayers in spanish!  it's so cool!  We also love singing himnos en espanol as a district.  nothing calms us down while pumping us up for spanish like singing hymns!
We had 2 awesome firesides this week.  one was on the definition of sucess as a missionary, and how we need to have both definitions.  I'll send you a handwritten letter with some notes on that, as well as my notes on the other fireside, given by Bro. Evans of the 1st quorum of the Seventy.  He talked about how we need to recognize the role of God the Father in our lives and in the work.  While we as missionaries are representatives of Jesus Chirst, we are really about the Father's work, because Christ said that his work was really the work and will of the Father.  Pretty neat stuff.  Afther that, I recognized how much we gloss over the Father's central role sometimes.
Also, go watch the Mormon messages on  Two of my Favorites are "Child of God" and Elder Holland bearing his testimony of the Book of Mormon.  I remember when Elder Holland gave that in General Conference a few years ago, too.  Mom, if you can find those and post the links, that would be awesome.  We also watched a few of Holland's talks to the MTC from a while ago.  I'll send those quotes in a handwritten letter as well.
I'm about to run out of time, sorry.  Just know that I love it here and I really know this is where I'm supposed to be right now.  I love you all and miss you a lot.  Keep writing me!
Love, Elder Moffat