for the Happy Birthday package! I love it!!! just stuffed with candy. can´t get much
better than that. and Letters from Lauren Gui and DonnaRae. Thanks!
week we had a really good week. We found a lot of new investigators,
taught a lot of lessons, had our investigators with fechas come to
church and really show a desire to learn more. it was great. Lots of Ecuadorians.
Speaking of Ecuadorians, I did my first baptismal interview! He´s Ecuadorian. super cool guy. and
the interview was a wonderful experience. Seriously. It´s so cool to
sit down with investigators you´ve never met, but who really want to get
baptized, and have them tell you how they recieved a testimony of the
gospel, and their relationship with God and Christ, and what it means to
them to have a living prophet today, and have them "[witness] unto the
church that they truly repented of all their sins" (Moroni 6:2). I
loved it. and I definitely felt the confirmation of the spirit telling
me that this young man was ready, willing, and sincere in his desire to
be baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ.
also now teaching a deaf investigator, a daughter of a member who´s
reactivating. She´s super cool too. She can kind of hear if she has
her hearing aids in, and can read lips really well. So we try and speak
clearly, and she teaches us sign language, and we get along and are ALL
able to learn. she´s come to church twice, now, and came to a mass
family home evening at someone else´s house with her member mom and
not-yet-member dad.
it a fad in the united states for girls to wear transparent shirts, or
is that just here? because we sure see a lot of them. yuck.
also learning a little bit of keechwa, the native indiginous language
of Ecuador (there are a lot of otavalans in our sector). niuka yachane
tucuita. jako! They´re super humble people, and always friendly and
just really really humble. I love them. Always just happy and smiley.
Well, that´s all for this week, folks! I love you!
HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Cole Moffat